Richard Cáceres — Timeline of work
Richard Cáceres is an artist who creates experimental systems for musical expression.
A musical sequencer / composer / performer / programmer.

It can be both deterministic and aleatoric.
It can also be automatic with respect to musical rules or theory.

I imagine it as a sort-of Scratch meets Max meets Electro Plankton meets Experiments in Musical Intelligence (EMI) meets Ableton Live.

The intention is to create an easy-to-use application for experimenting with and learning about electronic music composition. The interface also encourages eccentric thinking.

The interface will consist of a palette of musical modules and a canvas. There will be three types of modules: generators, modifiers, and outputs. These will lock into place so that no mistakes can be made. They can be modified or interacted with in real-time to effectively compose. Compositions can be saved and reloaded. Finally, there will be global settings for scale and tempo.


This is a video demonstrating the core functionality and musical capabilities of Myoo-Zick version 1, a music composing program for children. Myoo-Zick is pronounced however you can read it, but it sounds sort-of like "music".


This version of the program can be downloaded at
Materials: Processing programming
March 2009